Saturday, June 4, 2011


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Noticias Universidades De La Salle Del Mundo

  1. Centro Universitário La Salle – UNILASALLE

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Título: Red La Salle y Conferencia Episcopal Italiana están juntos por la vida

Fecha: 24 de enero de 2011

El proyecto titulado “Estamos juntos por la vida: formación de multiplicadores para la prevención de la SIDA (AIDS) en adolescentes de mozambique”, de autoría del Prof. Dr. Alexandre Lazzarotto miembro del cuerpo docente del Unilasalle, recibió la última semana, reconocimiento y apoyo internacional de la Conferenza Episcopale Italiana – CEI, a través del Sector de Intervenciones Caritativas para el tercer Mundo. La donación fue encaminada para la realización del proyecto que atenderá adolescentes y jóvenes en situación de riesgo.

  1. De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde

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Total number of Trees Planted by DLS-CSB from 2006-2010
The OMTB (One Milllion Trees Beyond) is part of the Project Carbon Neutral of De La Salle Philippines. It is envisioned to help offset the carbon footprint of all Lasallian institutions in the country, eventually leading to carbon neutrality or zero carbon emission.

2006 800 trees
2007 3,608 trees
2008 14,820 trees (commitment: 20,000)
2009 20,687 trees (commitment: 15,000)
2010 230,655 trees (commitment: 210,00)

DLS-CSB’s contribution from 2006 –2010 : 270,570 trees

  1. Manhattan College – United States

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View L.O.V.E. Service Videos from Manhattan Students on YouTube

Manhattan College’s Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experience (L.O.V.E.) is a service program that strives to provide students with the opportunity to participate in community service and explore what it means to work toward social justice around the world.
L.O.V.E. seeks to offer students an experience that develops their spiritual and cultural growth through reflection and discussion, and further shape their commitment to social justice in the future.

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Experts Brainstorm on Sustainable Features for New Student Commons

On Jan. 28, faculty and students from Manhattan College, architects, engineers and consultants gathered in Memorial Hall to discuss the sustainable vision for the new five-story, 67,400 square-foot student commons. In particular, the three-hour brainstorming session set goals to ensure that the new building will meet LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification and it will further have a significant green presence on the campus.

  1. Saint Mary's University of Minnesota

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WINONA, Minn. — A unique grouping of ceramic and mixed media sculptures by Lisa Schreiner Truax of Saint Mary’s Department of Art and Design will be on display at SMU Feb. 24 through March 27.

The show, “Synthetic Harmony,” is free and open to the public at the Lillian Davis Hogan Galleries, located in the Toner Student Center.

Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

An opening reception is scheduled for 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24, at the galleries.

  1. La Salle International Foundation

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Southern Sudan: An impoverished birth

To assist in building of Southern Sudan’s human capacity, La Salle International has been supporting the efforts of Solidarity with Southern Sudan (SSS), which is successfully offering educational, health and pastoral services.

The organization strives to create self-sustainable teacher training and health-care institutes which eventually will be run by the Sudanese themselves.

All programs operate under a collaborative memorandum of understanding with the appropriate national certifying authorities such as the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) and Ministry of Health (MOH).

The SSS teacher training programs began in 2008. To-date, SSS has trained over 750 teachers.

  1. La Salle Academy

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La Salle Best Buddies Raising Awareness About The R-Word

La Salle Academy students have taken a Rhode Island leadership role in the global campaign sponsored bySpecial Olympics and Best Buddies International entitled Spread the Word to End the Word. This is an ongoing effort to raise awareness about the dehumanizing and hurtful effects of the word “retard(ed),” and to encourage people on to pledge to stop using the R-word.

  1. Universidad De La Salle Bajío

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MEDYO refuerza lazos de fraternidad lasallista

Los lazos de fraternidad lasallista se hicieron tangibles entre la Universidad La Salle Niteroi y La Universidad De La Salle Bajío a través del proyecto de MEDYO.

MEDYO es un proyecto que inició como parte de una materia llamada Educación Ambiental dentro de la licenciatura de Relaciones Internacionales de La Salle Niteroi. MEDYO se convirtió en un evento internacional capaz de neficiar a una comunidad de bajos recursos económicos, educativos y sociales en general.

Las iniciadoras de MEDYO lograron un intercambio socio-cultural y de conocimientos entre Brasil y México y la ayuda a la población local ubicada en Piletas con respecto a la concientización y la adopción de prácticas sostenibles.

En cinco días se beneficiaron más de 400 personas con las que el CEMDEC trabaja en la Colonia Piletas.

  1. De La Salle Lipa

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Project K

Project K is primarily envisioned at enhancing the basic literacy skills among Grade I-VI pupils in Lipa City through improved reading proficiency. Through Project K, interventions were being introduced in the areas of teaching methods, teacher preparation, curriculum and instructional materials development. It was launched in Lipa City on September 1, 2002.

Project K is primarily envisioned at enhancing the basic literacy skills among Grade I-VI pupils in Lipa City through improved reading proficiency. Through Project K, interventions were being introduced in the areas of teaching methods, teacher preparation, curriculum and instructional materials development.

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Green for Life: One Million Trees and Beyond

It is a project for the environment driven by the Lasallian Family through the Lasallian Institute for the Environment (LIFE). LIFE is a SEC- registered organization focused on the environment.

Serves to provide a venue for more pro-active responses to environmental issues through tree-planting activities and reforestation programs that promote the propagation and caring for indigenous species. The goal is to plant and nurture one million trees by the year 2011.

  1. De La Salle University-Dasmariñas

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LLC gets a seat with NUS-CELC TEMASEK Foundation

The Language Learning Center is now one of the key players for the realization of a three-year, $450,000.00-project TEMASEK Foundation of the National University of Singapore (NUS).

The project mainly looks into coming up with English language teaching materials for business and other related professions. The production of this set of culture-based ELT materials is anchored on the orientation of English in the Southeast Asian region and how it influences the operation of businesses and industries

  1. La Salle Campues Barcelona

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Los robots de La Salle entre los 16 mejores del mundo

En la sexta edición del ‘Korea Robot Game Festival’, el equipo de robots humanoides de La Salle llegó a octavos de final. Mejorando los resultados del año pasado, el equipo ha quedado entre los 16 mejores del mundo.

Después del éxito, todo el equipo se ha puesto a trabajar en un nuevo proyecto: convertir, a través de la visión artificial, los robots en autónomos. Con esta idea, y de cara al año que viene, pretenden competir en la ‘Robocup’, el torneo de robótica más importante a nivel mundial.

Página Web:

Campus La Salle sube posiciones en el ránking de másters de “El Mundo

Los másters de la Business Engineering School de La Salle reciben el reconocimiento del principal ránking anual elaborado en España.

El prestigioso estudio que publica el periódico ‘El Mundo’ ha considerado a cinco másteres de nuestro centro universitario en su minuciosa selección de programas formativos. Así, de los once másteres reconocidos a la Universitat Ramon Llull, cinco se imparten en el Campus La Salle.
